I went to Mt. Myoken! |「海陽で行ってみた!」妙見山編


Hey there, it's Tony! It’s a been a while since our last post, but we’re back with something cool: cherry blossoms.


One afternoon last week, Global Kaiyo team member Gwenafaye and I checked out Mt. Myoken, the prime spot to see cherry blossoms in Kaiyo.


We entered from the PIA supermarket side and we were immediately greeted by a pair of beautiful cherry blossom trees at the entrance to the mountain. One of them has long flowing branches, almost like a willow tree!


As we got closer, you could really hear the buzzing of the bees up in the trees, which really made it feel like spring.


From up the mountain, we could see the ocean and Kainan areas pretty well.


On our way back down, we spotted the red DMV through the branches as it was running by. How cool!



Lanterns light the way up the mountain in the evening during cherry blossom season, so I decided to come back later to see it all again.


It was still a bit bright when the lights turned on at 6pm, but as dusk fell, everything really came alive, and the color of the sky transitioned from pink to a dark blue.


The lanterns added a nice warm glow to the cherry blossoms, too!


We’ve had some streaks of turbulent weather recently, which has made it hard to take nice photos of cherry blossoms - or even just to go outside to enjoy the blooms when it’s been nice! - but I guess that’s what makes us appreciate cherry blossoms so much more; we want to enjoy them in the best condition possible.


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