

Last year in mid-December, we held our biggest event of the year - the two-day Kaiyo Global Weekend!



The first day was called English Day and held at the Maze no Oka campground. Over 40 local students from elementary to high school plus a handful of ALTs from all over Tokushima Prefecture came together to spend the day together using English. We also had a couple of students from out of town participate later in the day, too.


In the morning, the mayor came and addressed everyone at the opening ceremony. After that, the students and ALTs played games together in the gym. They introduced themselves in English and talked about the things they like. Afterwards, two high school participants also gave a presentation about their recent study abroad experiences in California and New Zealand.

昼食は交流棟でとり、生徒たちは頑張って英語を使って、町内にあるお店「take sand」が用意した特別なオーガニックメニューからランチを注文したよ。

Lunch was held in the hall, where the students ordered their lunch in English from a specially-prepared, organic menu made in collaboration with “take sand”.


After lunch, everyone got together for a group photo in the gym, and then the students split into two groups, alternating between ball games and all sorts of physical movement in the gym, and decorating gingerbread cookies and mochi pounding back in the hall.


The ALTs also got to try some Japanese cultural activities, like calligraphy and kendama.

この時間帯に県外からの生徒が到着し、みんなと一緒にジンジャークッキーのデコレーションや餅つきに参加したよ。最後に、一日目の締めくくりとして体育館でダンスを踊ってみたよ!「Cha Cha Slide」を知っているかな?すごく盛り上がったよ!

The students from out of town arrived during this time and took part in the gingerbread cookie decoration and mochi pounding. Finally, we wrapped up our crafts and experiences and moved on to the last activity of the day in the gym - a dance! Do you know the Cha Cha Slide? We had a great time!

2日目は「Meet Kaiyo」といい、ALTの先生たちと県外からの生徒や家族が様々な体験をしながら町の場所を巡って楽しむ一日だったよ。

The second day was called Meet Kaiyo. The ALTs, students and families from out of town spent the day visiting different places and experiencing activities around town. 


While the students got to try a dirt dyeing experience, the ALTs went to Takegashima to ride the Blue Marine sightseeing boat and enjoyed the ocean in the morning.


In the afternoon, everyone split into groups with a mix of ALTs and students, and we alternated going to Jomanji zen temple for zazen meditation, and the moss-covered temple Namikiri Fudoson. The second day’s activities came to an end at around 4pm.


We had a great time over the two days! Thank you to all of the volunteers, ALTs, and participants for joining us. We hope you enjoyed Kaiyo, and see you next time!



