I tried amulet-making! |「海陽でやってみた!」御守りづくり体験編



Hey there, Tony here.

Did you hear that there’s a new indigo omamori (amulet) dyeing experience that you can try now at the Awa Kainan Cultural Center? I had the opportunity to try it earlier in May, so read along to find out how it went!



Wow, look at the different types of patterns you can dye the omamori in! I’ve heard you can dye the amulets in indigo blue or akane (madder) red depending on the season!


The first step involves dyeing the pouch. The standard dyeing process is used here, but the amulet pouch is much smaller than what you would normally dye, so not every pattern works! For my amulet, I tried something different by combining the zaru pattern with a gradient! 



After dyeing the pouch, a cardboard guide is inserted to create the fold lines that are ironed to shape the amulet pouch. It was a bit fiddly, but with a bit of work we managed to get there!


Next, we wrote our wishes on a polished tablet of timber and placed it inside the amulet. You can choose to use a white or pink cord, which is passed through two holes punched into the top of the amulet, and is then tied into a knot to seal the amulet.



This is what mine turned out like, pretty cool right? The gradient wasn’t as pronounced as I would’ve liked, but the zaru pattern worked out great!


For the final step, we had the amulets consecrated by the local priest at the nearby Hachiman shrine in Ozato in a ceremony, which definitely gave it a very authentic and special feeling.



Going to the shrine and having the amulets consecrated is optional, but I highly recommend it since it’s not every day that you get to taste a real traditional Japanese ceremony! So, if you would like to try making your own “real” amulet for someone or yourself, come along and try this experience at the Awa Kainan Cultural Center!



If you noticed in some of the photos, there was filming happening in the background on this day. 

You can also check out a promotional video that tourism agency Shikoku no Migishita filmed with us in it!


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