I went to Todoroki Falls! |「海陽で行ってみた!」轟の滝・轟神社編


Hey there, it's Tony here.

前回の“Iwent to…”「海陽で行ってみた!」松原海岸編に続き、ジェフ、ショーンと私は海陽町の児童生徒が「海陽のおすすめスポット」2位に選んだ「轟の滝」と「轟神社」に行ってきたよ!轟の滝は「日本の滝100選」にも選ばれていて、徳島県と四国では最大の滝なんだって!

Continuing from the previous “I went to” series at Matsubara beach, Jeff, Sean and I went to the Todoroki Falls and Todoroki Shrine, which was voted as the second most recommended place by children in Kaiyo. It was also chosen as one of the top 100 Waterfalls of Japan and is the largest falls in both Tokushima prefecture and Shikoku. Read along to find out our impressions!



You can reach the Todoroki Falls from Kaiyo via route 193. By car, it will take about 30 minutes from Kaiyo. You can also rent e-bikes from in front of Kaifu Station if you prefer a leisurely ride! The local NPO “Attakaiyo” also runs bus tours to the Todoroki Falls a couple of times a year as well.


After arriving, I noticed the constant sound of flowing water in the river, I definitely got the feeling that something special was hidden here. First, we visited the Todoroki-jinja Shrine, which is around 430 years old.



The shrine appears at the top of the stone stairs. There was a lot of moss and plants on the way up, so the shrine felt like a small haven that was well protected and hidden by nature.

月曜日に行ったので、とても平穏で静かだったよ。 毎年11月第2日曜日に行われる秋祭りの時はきっと賑わうだろうから、またその時に見に来たいな!

We went on a Monday so it was peaceful and quiet. I’m sure this place would be crowded during the annual Todoroki festival in autumn (held on the second Sunday of November), or Reitaisai. I’m looking forward to coming back here to see it!



I discovered there’s not just one but actually several waterfalls at the Todoroki Falls. We checked out the main falls or Hontaki and Nijuu-no-taki (double layered waterfall).


There was a gentle breeze as we got closer to the waterfall, and the combination of water spray in the air and vibration in the ground that made it all feel very special. On a sunny morning, you can see rainbows in the water spray.




It is said that the Dragon Goddess of the main waterfall lives here, and protects the town with blessings of water. Of course, there are waterfalls in Australia too, but they are not worshipped the way they are in Japan with deities, shrines and festivals. 

Moving on from the main fall, we were able to see the picturesque Nijuu-no-taki after walking up a trail through the forest.


The Nijuu-no-taki was much more graceful compared to the main waterfall. There wasn’t water spray coming from the crashing of the water, so we could take more photos without getting wet.


Apparently stone stacking or cairning is a form of prayer. I haven’t seen stones being stacked like this in Australia before!


I really enjoyed visiting Todoroki! It was a very refreshing experience overall; I definitely recommend Todoroki Falls to anyone visiting Kaiyo!


よく見ると「轟」という漢字だね! 轟神社の歴史について詳しく知りたい方は、こちらのリンクから見てね!


Do you know this logo?

It’s the Todoroki kanji if you look carefully! If you want to know more about the shrine and how you can support it, you can check it out via this link:



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