I went to Marine Jam! |「海陽で行ってみた!」マリンジャム編

Hi! Jeff, here.



After a hot summer, autumn weather has finally reached Kaiyo! Before it gets too cold, Gwenafaye, Tony and I managed to make the most of Kaiyo’s ocean!


When learning about Kaiyo, the first thing I heard about was surfing. After moving here, I learned there are a lot of other great ways to experience Kaiyo’s beautiful ocean. To experience a few of these ways ourselves, we headed to Marine Jam, and got a chance to try stand-up paddleboarding (SUP), snorkeling, and to check out the small aquarium there!


When we arrived at Takegashima, the ocean was calm and the sky was a little gray. Still, the bay where Marine Jam is located looked inviting!


I’m still often surprised at how clear the water is and how clean the air smells by the ocean. The ocean where I’m from in America, New Hampshire, is much greener, and it always smells salty near the sea.


We made our way inside Marine Jam, rented water shoes, and changed before meeting our guide. The guide was friendly, and covered safety information such as what not to touch, and what kind of interesting sea life to be on the lookout for.


Next, we suited up with lifejackets, got our paddles, and were given a crash course on how to maneuver our boards. I had been paddle boarding before, but I still learned some new techniques. And it was definitely helpful for Gwenafaye and Tony for their first time.



In under 10 minutes from when we met our guide we were out on the water! We had got off to an unsteady start, but after a fall or two we found our balance!


The air temperature was perfect, and we paddled gently into the bay. Along the way the guide pointed out the different types of coral we could see, and some of the colorful fish. Even on the ocean it was a relaxing ride!


Eventually the sun shone through the clouds and we could see the ocean floor even better. It got easier to spot the different fish, and I was ready to get into the water.



We paddled to a small beach, and from there the guide explained how to use a snorkeling mask properly, and led us to the largest corals where we could see the most fish. The water was still warm enough that even without a wetsuit it felt great!



I might still be used to the ocean always being cold like where I’m from. The warmest the ocean gets where I’m from is 17℃ (62°F) degrees, but here it ranges from 17℃ to 28℃ (82°F). This time of year, in October, it’s still usually in the mid 20s!


We got to see the coral up close, and we spotted what I think is a Moorish Idol and a lot of sea cucumbers. My favorite was seeing the clownfish protecting their sea anemone homes. Our guide told us about clownfish and their unique habits.



Both activities were great and I learned a lot! All in all, we were out on the water for over an hour, and in the water for about 20 minutes, which felt like a good amount of time for me. I knew it was enough by how great it felt to rinse off in the warm showers afterwards.



Included in the fare for the SUP/snorkeling tour was entrance to the aquarium! After drying off we went to see what it was about!



There were a lot of sea creatures there that can be found in the local area. I’ve been to some big aquariums in both the US and Japan, but there were still really unique creatures I’d never even heard of before.


They had a variety of different clownfish too!


I’d like to visit again and spend more time reading about the different types of coral and the conservation projects they’re working on.



With that, we finished our Marine Jam adventure! It was a really relaxing way to spend the afternoon, with both marine activities and learning about the local sea life. I look forward to going again sometime!


Thanks for reading!


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