I went to Todoroki Shrine’s Autumn Festival! |「海陽で行ってみた!」轟神社秋祭り編

Hi everyone! Gwenafaye here.



A group of us from Global Kaiyo went to experience the Autumn Festival at Todoroki Falls in mid-November. Due to COVID, it has been three years since the last one was held. Although the taiko drumming portion of the festivities was canceled due to rain, we were still excited to see the festival. Read on to hear about one of Kaiyo’s special annual celebrations!



Once we trekked up the hill to the temple entrance and braved the long stairs to the main temple grounds, we stood with the crowd to watch the mikoshi – or portable shrine – and its carriers be blessed by the temple priest. As you can see, it was still pretty rainy at that point.


Even before being blessed, the carriers spend the night before the main event purifying themselves by jumping into the main waterfall pool multiple times in a process called misogi! They also eat a meal made from locally grown ingredients, particularly highlighting fish, as the festival is meant to show the community’s gratitude for water. A large amount of sake is also drunk, as well as thrown on the carriers during various parts of the festival!


After the blessing, the weather amazingly cleared up as the carriers began organizing to carry the mikoshi! I was lucky to be near it, so I could see their clothing better – the carriers wear hand-woven shoes made by volunteers to keep them from slipping on the exposed rocks in the river. One of them also had a cool shell horn, which they used along with a hanging drum to cheer on their peers as they carried the shrine.


The participants took some photos, and then the event finally began! The carriers started shouting and lifting the mikoshi onto their shoulders before carrying it down the long main staircase to the river. There, the men clambered over large rocks and through the cold water to the main waterfall. Some festival-goers follow the procession, while others (like us!) hurry to the main waterfall area to see the culmination of their efforts – submerging the mikoshi (and themselves) in the main waterfall pool. The mist was so heavy from a full day of rain the day before that all of us standing near the waterfall pool were practically being rained on!



But that isn’t the end of the procession – reaching the pool means the hardest part is just about to start. The goal is to bring the mikoshi as deep into the rock crevice, and as near to the waterfall, as possible. However, the water here is very cold and deep, and there is a strong current due to the fast-flowing waterfall. Not only are they working to push the shrine into the crevice, but they are fighting the current while also swimming, themselves!


The teamwork of the carriers was moving, especially with some staying back with the hanging drum and horn, cheering the others on from a distance. It really felt like we were experiencing something special and intense!


Once the mikoshi has made it as far into the crevice as the carriers can go, they bring it back out to much celebration. Then it is time to carry it back over the rocks to the original entry point. They then retrace their steps back through the lower temple grounds, where they wildly run around the open area at full speed, spinning and being spun by other carriers while being splashed with sake! I’ve been told that this is to make sure the god/spirit inside the mikoshi has had a good time on its adventure out of the main temple.

そして、できるだけ滝の近くに入り込んだあと、再び神輿を担ぎ出し、盛大に祝うんだ。もう一度岩を乗り越えて、川の「入り口」まで担いで、轟山龍爆院へ戻ったよ。そこで、日本酒を投げながら、こまのように回して、全速力で走り散らしたよ !神輿の神様が本殿を飛び出して冒険を楽しんだかどうかを確認するための儀式だと聞いたよ。楽しそうだよね!

After the god is appropriately worn out, the carriers haul the portable shrine back up the long flight of stairs, stabilized with ropes, and return it to the main temple until the next year.


It was amazing to get to experience this unique and powerful festival, particularly after a three-year hiatus. If you’re planning to come to Kaiyo at some point in the future, I would definitely recommend trying to plan your visit around when the Autumn Festival is held. Kaiyo’s weather is quite lovely in autumn, and the drive up to and the area around Todoroki Falls is a beautiful spot for autumn colors, or kōyo. Be careful, though – the area is also inhabited by a good number of Japanese macaques. Neat to get to see them, but they are wild animals, still! 😊



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