I went to Mt. Suzugamine! |「海陽で行ってみた!」鈴ヶ峰編

Hey, Tony here.


I heard that autumn is a great season to go hiking in Tokushima because it’s not too hot or cold, so I and my Global Kaiyo team members, Gwenafaye and Kyoko, decided to hike nearby Mt. Suzugamine! We went in mid-November, which is when yakkoso can be seen growing there, so we kept an eye out for that too.

秋は暑すぎず寒すぎず、徳島県内でハイキングするにはいい季節だと聞いたので、グローバル海陽チームの2人、グウェナフェーイさんと暁子さんと一緒に鈴ヶ峰をハイキングに行ってきたよ! ヤッコソウが見える時期に行ったので、ハイキングがてらヤッコソウを探してみた!

We decided to go by car, but immediately got lost on the way there since the road wasn’t very clear on Google Maps. Fortunately, there were signs along the road (that we decided to ignore at first) which led us to a smaller road that doesn’t appear on the map near the Shishikui Junior High School. The unmarked road continued up the hill and into a narrow mountainous area. It was easy from this point on since there’s only one road. Following along, we eventually reached a small parking lot next to the main trailhead. It seems both the road leading up to the car park and car park itself don’t appear on Google Maps, which might make it harder for non-locals!


At the carpark, we borrowed some of the kindly-provided hiking sticks from the basket. There were also no toilets or vending machines there either, but we came prepared!


Within the first couple hundred meters of hiking, I quickly found myself immersed in nature. Even though it was autumn, there was a lot of green. It really felt deep in a forest because of all of the mossy rocks and tree roots spilling onto the pathway. The terrain varied as we climbed up, ranging from loose rocks and soil to layers of foliage, log and even stone steps. Despite this, there are signs and the hiking trail is very clear, so we didn’t worry about getting lost.


There are a couple of openings with benches where we took some quick breaks, but not many of them offered clear views. However, we were able to find this little window through the trees to peek out of! All the more reason to get to the peak, I guess!


I think what I enjoyed the most about the hike was the small details. In trying to spot yakkoso, I managed to see many other peculiar things. I found some chewed pine cones that looked like fried shrimp! This boulder looks a bit too perfect, almost like it had been chiselled by hand. I also noticed what I believe are Jizo statues along the way, as well as tile and bowl fragments too, which I thought was a bit strange. I had a strong sense that there was something special waiting to be discovered the further up we climbed.


Finally, we found ourselves in an open, flat area with old building foundations stacked with piles of tiles. According to the signs that pointed to the peak, this was the site of an ancient temple called “Entsuuji”. You can clearly see the signs it was a temple, based on the statues and the way the smaller foundations are arranged around the larger foundation. It’s a shame it’s not what it used to be.


Moving on from the temple, we backtracked and followed another path that led to the peak. It was on this last stretch of the hike that Gwenafaye spotted yakkoso, which I had almost given up on finding. There were some growing on the roots and in the trunk of a tree. This was my first time seeing yakkoso and it doesn't look like anything I’ve ever seen before.


After about 2 hours of hiking, we reached the peak and this is the view we were treated to! It was quite beautiful. The air was delicious, and we could almost see the whole Shishikui area next to the ocean, stretching all the way to the horizon. Although it was a cloudy afternoon and the hazy air blurred the horizon line, the ocean looked like it was blending right into the sky, which was definitely attractive, in its own way. We even managed to catch the red DMV running along the train tracks


The descent was far easier and it was a brilliant way of spending the afternoon. With that, our Mt. Suzugamine hike came to a close. The hike was very rewarding and we got to see some very interesting things along the way. I envy the people of Shishikui because they have a place like this so close to town.


I look forward to coming back, maybe in a different season!



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