I went to Ozato Matsubara! |「海陽で行ってみた!」大里松原海岸編

海陽町で働くグローバルスタッフが町中のいろんな場所を訪問する“I went to…”「海陽で行ってみた!」シリーズ!!ここでは、海外視点からの感想や撮った写真を町の皆様や国内外に日本語と英語で発信するよ~!

In our “I went to…” series of articles, we will post our impressions and photos of different places that we’ve visited around Kaiyo. As foreigners living in Kaiyo, we want to share our perspectives with the townspeople and people living across Japan or overseas.

先日、海陽町の子どもたちに町内のおすすめスポットをアンケートしたところ、なんと、45人以上が「大里松原海岸」をあげていました!というわけで、今回はオーストラリア出身の Sean(ショーン)が大里松原に立ち寄ってみました。下のコメント欄にあなたの感想もシェアしてくれると嬉しいです!!

In a recent survey we ran, over 45 school-aged children ranked “Ozato Matsubara Beach” as one of their favorite spots in town. So, Sean from Australia visited Ozato Matsubara as our first destination. We hope you enjoy reading his thoughts and photos. Feel free to pop in a comment below!



Ozato Matsubara Beach was selected as one of “Japan's 100 Best Beaches with White Sand and Blue Pine,” and has a crescent-shaped shoreline spanning 2.5km. From the sand you can clearly see the horizon line.


To be fair, the colour of the sand at Ozato is a little bit darker in comparison to the beaches of Australia 

Hyams Beach, Jervis Bay, Australia


Unfortunately, swimming is banned due to the dangerous rip currents.



I wonder if I’d land in Australia if I got caught in one of the rips.

Map with line drawn from Kaiyo in Japan to Queesnland in Australia


In 1998, Ozato-Matsubara was designated as part of the Muroto-Anan Quasi-National Park. Vehicles are prohibited from driving on the sand to protect the loggerhead sea turtles that come here to lay eggs.



This pavilion is a nice spot for contemplation while looking out across the ocean. Although at night it looks a bit like a hang-out for ghosts.


On a regular day, the waves move smoothly and break quietly.


However, when the weather’s rough they come crashing down. 


Pine trees (matsu), Kaiyo’s representative tree, grow thickly around the shoreline, hence the fitting name Matsubara, which means “field of pine” in Japanese. They were planted to protect the surrounding residential area from the effects of typhoon and large waves.



On the northern side of the beach, the remnants of pine trees ruined by a large typhoon in 2019 are visible among the new plantings.



The peaceful spring flowers in bloom amongst the pine trees.



Signs warning about the presence of pit vipers (mamushi) can be spotted amongst the pine trees. While 90% of the most dangerous snakes in the world can be found in Australia, the pit viper is not one of them. Even then it’s good to be alert!



There’s several jogging/walking courses of varying lengths around the shoreline or through the pines.



Thank you to all the kids that recommended Ozato Matsubara! It was fun to explore the area.

次回の “I went to…”「海陽で行ってみた!」を楽しみに!次はどこに行くかな?!

Look forward to the next “I went to…” article. Can you guess where we’ll go?!


I tried indigo dyeing! |「海陽でやってみた!」藍染体験編