I tried indigo dyeing! |「海陽でやってみた!」藍染体験編
Hey there! Tony here.
I recently picked up a pamphlet about the Awa Kainan Cultural Center. You can try a range of activities here, like making chopsticks or resin straps. I have never tried aizome indigo dyeing before, so I gave that a go!
You can choose to dye shirts, handkerchiefs etc or even bring your own! I chose to dye an eco-bag with a pattern made from chopsticks and rubber bands after a short explanation from our instructor, Shoko!
A vat of indigo dye kind of looks like ink! As for the odor, it’s closer to a bitter, earthy smell of wet leaves after heavy rainfall rather than the sour fermented smell of natto beans.
To produce a deep rich color and last as long as possible, the dye needs to be regularly stirred and be kept at a steady temperature. Shoko looks after each vat of dye every day, as if it were her own children.
After making the pattern, the bag will undergo a process of dyeing, washing and drying 6 times, getting darker and darker each time.
I removed the chopsticks between the 5th and 6th time, revealing a face:
After the 6th time, I ended up with this; how cool is that?
最近は暑くなったので、次回の“I went to…”「海陽で行ってみた!」シリーズでは夏らしい体験とかでもしようかな?
There’s a great instructor here who can teach you a lot about indigo dyeing, so come and try indigo dyeing at the Awa Kainan cultural center!
It’s been getting hotter recently, so maybe we’ll do something summer-like next time!
長持ちするには、染めた衣類になるべく洗剤を使わないようにする。洗濯機ではなくて、水で優しく手で洗ってあげると、 色がより長く持つそうだ。
Shoko also shared some other interesting facts about aizome during the activity:
Did you know that the ai (Japanese indigo) plants used to create the dye are grown in Kaiyo? The warm climate makes it easier to create indigo dye with a deeper color.
Apparently, there have been people who have dyed kimonos or even futon covers.
To care for dyed materials, you should avoid using detergent and hand wash with water.