I went to the Asakawa Bay Festival!|「海陽で行ってみた!」浅川祭り編

Hi, everyone. Gwenafaye here! Are you enjoying the summer?


Working at the Board of Education, the Global team gets a little bit of downtime when school isn’t in session. Since we have some more free time, we’ve been attending the festivals around Kaiyo! The turnout and energy have been great this year, primarily because this is the first year since COVID that many local festivals are going ahead.


The Asakawa Festival is one of these – on August 1st, it was held for the first time in four whole years! Apparently, the year before COVID, it was cancelled due to a typhoon and bad weather.


There were a ton of food and game stalls wrapping around the main event area and stretching all the way back to the entrance at the port bridge. I saw a bunch I had never seen before – cheese dogs and garlic butter-flavored takoyaki while you catch toy fish, anyone?


After filling up on all the fried food I could handle, the performances began. After a short parade, local kids (most of them our students!) from elementary to high school danced their hardest to some modern songs before the night turned toward the traditional. The local gym and recreation club’s dance team performed an elegant circle dance before the energy ramped back up with our local Awa Odori dance groups (called ren).


Three different groups performed that night, and it was so cool to see the different choreography each group prepared. Although the Awa Odori itself is a relatively simple dance, there are particular styles of performing the same steps – usually divided by gender – and groups arrange themselves in different patterns as they do the steps. They also start off slightly slower before amping up the speed of their steps to the rhythm of the music!


Each group has a couple of different teams typically divided by age and gender – there was more variety amongst the women performers, I noticed, with the largest ren having a traditional ladies group dressed in the amigasa wicker hats and kimono, a group of three women (all mothers) dancing in happi coats alongside their young children, and another group of teenage girls also in happi!


Once the groups performed, there was a short public dance where the audience could join in with the official rens. (Can you spot Jeff dancing with his ren in these videos?)


Finally, there was a blow-out fireworks show over the Asakawa Bay. I love American fireworks, too, but these long, willow-like sparkly ones I have only seen in Japan, and I adore them.



This was the first local festival like this I’ve gotten to attend all of, so I really feel like it kicked off the season right for me. If you can catch some Awa Odori this year, I can’t recommend it enough! But do make sure to stay safe out there in the heat!!



I tried sea kayaking! |「海陽でやってみた!」シーカヤック体験編


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