I went to the Shishikui Yasaka Shrine! |「海陽で行ってみた!」宍喰八坂神社編

Hi it's Tony!


In May, I checked out the Yasaka shrine in Shishikui with Global Kaiyo team member Kyoko! The last time I came here was during the Global Kaiyo tour event. It’s been almost whole year since then, so I was excited to be able to go again.



When I arrived at the site, the front building, which is the worship hall, seemed very bright like it was popping out at me. Then I remembered that the shrine was undergoing renovation work during the event last year, and we couldn’t see the building properly.


The building has gotten a new coat of paint as a result, and the red accents along the edge of the roof goes really well with the green!


There are two torii gates that lead into the shrine, and as I walked through them, I noticed the kanji used to write the name of the shrine on the board are different between the two gates. I wonder why….


Walking around to the back of the worship hall, I saw a couple of smaller shrines dedicated to the many different deities. Placed on the roof of these individual shrines were ornaments called chigi. Kyoko told me that if the tops of these are cut vertically, the enshrined god is usually a male, whereas if it were cut horizontally then it would mean the enshrined god is a female. This one’s a male, I guess!


Connected directly to the front building was what I believe is the main shrine. Visitors can’t enter it, but I did manage to capture a couple of photos through the fence.



The wooden carvings on the support are very intricate and detailed, and I’m always amazed when I see things like this, especially knowing that they’re hand carved.


And that concludes our short trip to the one of Japan’s three Gions, the Shishikui Yasaka Shrine! I think it’s very easy to pass it off as just another shrine, but its history is quite compelling and if you look carefully, there are a lot of fine details to be appreciated!


I also heard that the Shishikui Gion festival, which takes place here, is going ahead this year so I’m looking forward to that as well!



I went to the Shishikui Gion Festival! |「海陽で行ってみた!」宍喰祇園祭り編


I went to the Takegashima Shrine Festival! |「海陽で行ってみた!」竹ヶ島神社祭り編