I went to the Takegashima Shrine Festival! |「海陽で行ってみた!」竹ヶ島神社祭り編

Hey it’s Tony here!


On June 3rd, I went to the Takegashima shrine festival! I think the last time I went to Takegashima was during our Marine Jam experience last year, so I was excited to go back there again!


I got to Takegashima at around 2pm which is when the procession was scheduled to start. Although I saw a couple of people walking from the carpark, I found it oddly quiet despite being a festival.


I don’t know the roads and pathways at Takegashima very well, so I followed the other people who were walking all in the same direction. After a short while I heard the sound of drumming and voices shouting, followed by lines of children and adults carrying a portable shrine emerging from a narrow street. Seeing the kids wearing happi coats and headbands while shouting at the top of their lungs was very cute!


After carrying the portable shrine around the streets, the kids took part in a rice cake throwing event where they stood on the back of a truck and threw all sorts of other snacks in addition to rice cakes. Some kids were definitely having too much fun vigorously throwing the rice cakes!



After the rice cake throwing, I went home for the afternoon and when I came back at 6:30, I saw many people there at the festival. There were many stalls there, offering all sorts of delicious food and games. The Global team was there too, and it was interesting to see many people that I have seen before from around town, all in the same place!


There were also fireworks show just off the shore at around 7:30pm. Seeing fireworks this up close was really cool and you could feel the impact of the fireworks exploding. By 8:30pm, the bustling festival had settled down and some people had begun to go home.


I heard that the Takegashima Shrine festival marks the start of the festival season, as it is the earliest one in the year to be held in Tokushima prefecture. For me, this was my first unrestricted festival in Kaiyo since getting here and I’m looking forward to going to more of them!



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