I went to the Firefly Festival! |「海陽で行ってみた!」母川ほたるまつり編


Hello its Tony!


Its June in Kaiyo now, which means it’s time for fireflies! June is also the start of the rainy season in Japan, and thanks to an offshore typhoon, the part of the festival with the night stalls was unfortunately cancelled this year too. On the bright side, the fireflies are still around, and luckily the nightly boat ride did still go ahead. So, I decided to catch a ride on one of them!

高瀬舟は夕方の8時から運航しているので、舟に乗る前までの間、蛍の写真を撮に行ったよ! 波切不動尊付近で撮ったが、やっぱり蛍の光は幻想的だね。

The boats start running from 8:00PM, so I went to take some photos of fireflies since I had some time until the ride. These are some photos taken from near Namikiri Fudoson. Fireflies are really cool, aren’t they?


I realized it was time for the boat ride after leisurely taking some photos, so I went back to the boarding area. The boats themselves are quite small and only 6-7 people can ride it at a time. I got on the boat and after a short wait, we set off into the darkness.


As we drifted through the water, many fireflies floated towards us. Some people were able to catch them in their hand too!



Overall, I enjoyed riding the boat for the first time, and I even got a nice uchiwa fan! Maybe I’ll ride it again next year!


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