I went to the Yasaka Temple!|「海陽で行ってみた!」八坂寺編

Hey, it’s Tony!


I’ve lived in Kaiyo for almost 2 years now, and there’s a place in Sabase near Asakawa that I usually drive by called the Yasaka temple. The road signs always caught my attention, and I heard that it was one of the Bekkaku (special) temples associated with the 88-temple pilgrimage, but I never really took the time to visit it properly. So, I decided to check it out with Global Kaiyo team member Kyoko. October is peak pilgrimage season, so it made sense to visit now!


Apparently, a lot of pilgrims skip visiting the Bekkaku temples because of the extra time and distance required. But, since this temple is so close to the main road taken by the pilgrims, a large number of them drop by to see it.



It was clear from the start that there were many things to check out when I got there, like the statues of different deities and a couple temple buildings closely packed together.


At the main temple building, we paid our respects first by lighting some incense and praying.


The building to the left of the main temple had a statue of Kobo Daishi holding a mackerel. Here, if you swear that you will go three years without eating mackerel, then you will be blessed with good health. I don’t eat mackerel often, so I would probably forget quickly and be blessed without realizing!


Between this building and the main temple lies a little pathway that leads to a pagoda on a hill too, which was interesting to see!


There was also a big bonsho bell in the main area that I sounded with the wooden beam. Remember, gently does it!



To the right of the main temple was an unassuming building, inside of which was the highlight of this trip: a tunnel!


We took off our shoes and entered through the side entrance. I heard that there was a tunnel here before, but when I saw it in person, it was a lot deeper than what I imagined. The tunnel stretches for 88 meters and curves downwards towards the end. One side of the wall is lined with a unique statue dedicated to each of the 88 temples and 20 Bekkaku temples like this:


The opposite side was lined with glass cabinets labeled with a prefecture. Each cabinet contained many small golden statues, each representing a donation made to the temple.


At the end of the tunnel was a dimly lit hall called the Goma-do. The walls of the room had shelves which were lined with many smaller golden statues like the ones in the tunnel. In the middle of the room was an altar which had some fruit and incense offerings dedicated to the larger statue of Fudō Myōō in the back of the room. It all felt very sacred, in the sense that these places always have a tendency of making people go silent the moment they enter. It reminded me of a Taoist temple in Sydney that I used to go to when I was a kid.



After checking out the Goma-do hall, we headed back through the tunnel we came in through to wrap up our visit to the Yasaka temple. Even though it’s such a compact area, I was surprised that there was so much to see and do at this temple. A lot of people come here for their first temple visit of the year, so maybe I’ll come back again then!



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