グローバルカフェ - 別腹⑥


Hello everyone,

今回のグローバルカフェ別腹では、動詞の 「can」を紹介していくよ!

In this Global Café Extra, we will focus on the verb “can”.


“Can” is used to ask a variety of questions, let's take a closer look at how to use "can"!

「Can you~」や「Can I~」の使い方は主に4つあるよ!その一つは、相手が何ができるかどうかを聞くことだよ。例えば「Can you play Kendama?」(けん玉できますか?) 、「Can you ride a unicycle」(一輪車に乗れますか?) など。

You can use “Can you~” or “Can I~” to ask if someone are able to do something. For example, play Kendama or ride a unicycle.


You can also use it to ask for permission, or request someone to do something. Here are some examples:

  • Can you play tennis?

  • Can I sit here?

  • Can you tell me the way to the station?

  • Can you be quiet please?


You can usually answer with “Yes” or “No” when asked these questions, but you can say these too!

  • Yes: Okay, sure, of course, all right.

  • No: I can’t, sorry.


You can use these questions to ask a friend what they are able to do.


~グローバル・ラボ~ ゲーム大会を開催したよ!


POP English クリスマスパーティー